Salvato Family

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Salvato Family Crest

The Salvato Family is a Family that is spread all over the globe. Having influence in several of the countries. Traditionaly young women of the Salvato's seek out an life of adventure, while the men stay at home to indulge in a life of politics and assuring the line of Salvato carries on unbroken. So far there are only two recorded Salvato men that has sought out a life of adventure over that of politics.


The oldest records of Salvatos are traced back to Cantha.


In the year 1412 CC (900 AE) the Lilliana Salvato and her brother Ludo Salvato moved to Tyria to settle in the newly founded city of Surnia, only two years after their arrival the trade agreement between Tyria and Cantha got disbanned and they were stranded without contact to their homelands.
Lilliana Salvato traveled to Kryta to see if she could arrange travel for her and her brother to Cantha, but never made it as the Stone Summit of the Northern Shiverpeaks killed her in a raid of her caravan.
Ludo Salvato later moved to Ascalon City to wed with Allisia Upton. This marriage resulted in one son Banor Salvato. They lived out their lives in relevant peace, save from the threat of the Charr from the north. Banor got married to Miranda Payce and they had one son and one daugther: Gonzo Salvato and Lilliana Salvato, named after her grandmother. When Lilliana started training under Ralena Stormbringer her brother saw nothing in entering the world of politics with the Charr just over the wall ready to strike at any moment. He secretly started training under Little Thom to become a warrior. When the searing came he was fighting of a group of Crawll when his parents were fleeing over a bridge and were struck by fire from the sky. Gonzo Salvato met Darth Necrimus and joined with the Defenders of the Blackblade to defend Ascalon from the Charr and later on, save the entire continent of Tyria. Later on Lilliana Salvato also joined the Defenders and their search for the rest of the Salvato Family started when they were called to help cure a plague in Cantha.