Wing Hei

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Wing Hei is a member of the Defenders of the Blackblade.


Serenity Temple

Skills Used

Shield of Judgement Elite

Hundred Blades Elite

Items Dropped

Wing Hei's Fellblade

Wing Hei's Equity Ankh


Wing Hei's Fellblade has the same appearance as a Fellblade.

Prefers to have a duel with other adversaries.

Has been spotted in different locations across Tyria, Cantha and Elona with his two main companions, Shawdo Of Ninja and Canjo Qubac.


Wing has been raised in Serenity Temple as an orphan where he learned the values of justice and why it exists. On his 18th birthday, he left Serenity Temple to take up the art of Swordsmanship from the great Prince Rurik but on his way he came across a pack of Charr Blade Storm and a Charr Stalker. Luckily Wing outran the charr warriors and only sufferred minor injuries but unfortunately, he was rendered and crippled by the Charr Stalker.

He was then pounded on the floor with a deep gash on his shin, with the Charr Blade Storm towering above him just about to deal the final thrust, they were interrupted by a battle cry from a distance. From a hill under a glimmering light, a knight in armour stood and with an enraging charge, his band of warriors swept down down to Wing Hei slaying the few charrs in an instant.

With a weary vision, Wing could still recognise that this is none other than Prince Rurik, it was that moment that Wing decided to become a paladin who smites down the that which is corrupted in order to protect the innocent.