Full Metal Raziel

Full Metal Raziel is a member of the Defenders of the Blackblade guild since April 2006. Before joining, Raziel was the guild leader of Battle Park 3, BP, a guild formed by a group of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory players. After a year of declining player activity and timezone mismatches with the majority of the American players, Raziel left his long time guild to join Defenders of the Blackblade, a hard choice to make, but one that caused no regret.
All Current Characters
Full Metal Raziel
Born: Tyria
Profession: Necromancer
Level: 20
Armor: 5K Vabbian, dyed white.
Favorite Build: Minion Master
Bio: Created on the release of Prophecies, Full Metal Raziel is the oldest of all Raziel. While she started out as a N/W, over time she played a lot of different roles and classes. Later on, around the time Sorrows Furnace was discovered, she found her true love, raising endless amounts minions, not caring if the used corpse is either friend, or foe.
Raziel The Brave
Born: Cantha
Profession: Warrior
Level: 20
Armor: 15K endgame PrimeEvil, white.
Favorite Build: Full Tactics
Bio: As a Kurzick warrior, this Raziel takes great pride in her fighting skill and strenght. While being quite skilled with a sword, Raziel the Brave is an expert at battle tactics and uses her agility and quick footwork to block and dodge most foe's attacks. Wearing only the finest of armors and using only the best weapons and shield, Raziel the Brave makes sure she looks good while dealing quick and large amounts of damage.
Raziel The Vagrant
Born: Cantha
Profession: Ranger
Level: 20
Armor: 1,5K Krytan, dyed brown.
Favorite Build: Barage/Pet
Bio: As a true vagrant, this Raziel does not wander the 3 continents to fight or perfect his skill, but searches for places to drink and sleep in the sun like some lazy bum. Always acomponied by his pet, a rather silly blue headed crane, named Grolsch, these two companions roam the world, living life the easy way.
Raziel The Arcane
Born: Cantha
Profession: Ritualist
Level: 20
Armor: 1.5K Kurzick, blue.
Favorite Build: Ritual Lord solo.
Bio: A direct decendant Khanei, the Vengefull, this Raziel spends much of her time traveling over the continent of Cantha, studying the local wildlife, adding much information to the vast Kurzick Library at House Zu Heltzer. Many of the studied species have been found to be rather simple in their way of live and Raziel the Arcane enjoy's nothing more then exploiting these weaknesses, not only to learn from, but mostly for her great personal gain.
Illusion Of Raziel
Born: Cantha
Profession: Mesmer
Level: 20
Armor: 1,5K Tyrian, dyed yellow.
Favorite Build: Standing in the Guild Hall playing mule.
Bio: Illusion of Raziel left his home on Shing Jea Monastery, with great hopes and dreams. After bravely defeating the challenges faced on Shing Jea island, gaining the remarkable feat of Survivor along the way, Raziel was ready to seek greater adventure on the mainland of Cantha. However, once reaching Keineng Center, he found the mainland to be rather overrated, full of unworthy noobs and overzealous salesmen. Now, he spends most of his time questioning the meaning of life in the Guild Hall, while he stores the belonging of other Raziel.
Notes: Survivor
Shadow Of Raziel
Born: Cantha
Profession: Assassin
Level: 20
Armor: 1,5K Seitung, dyed orange.
Favorite Build: Critical Bow Interrupter.
Voice Of Raziel
Born: Elona
Profession: Paragon
Level: 6
Armor: 1K Elonian, orange.
Favorite Build: Focused Anger Swordsman.
Avatar of Raziel
Born: Elona
Profession: Dervish
Level: 20
Armor: 10K Ancient, brown
Favorite Build: Avatar of Melandru
Elements of Raziel
Born: Elona
Profession: Elementalist
Level: 10
Armor: 1K Elonian, red.
Favorite Build: Setting stuff on fire